
How to Clean Your Apartment Before Moving Out


How to Clean Your Apartment Before Moving Out

 For most tenants there will be a deposit put down on their rental property. To ensure you receive your deposit back it’s crucial you do an efficient clean up.


Once you have moved most of your belongings out it’s time to get started. Remove all nails and screws out of the walls and putty them. If you require paint to fix any chips ask your landlord for the colour used on the wall to ensure it matches perfectly.


Clean the windows and dust the light fixtures and ledges. Eliminate all cob webs. Vacuum or mop all floors in your unit. Clean your windows and mirrors throughout the apartment.


Next you need to thoroughly clean out the oven and fridge. This can be time consuming so make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the task.


Ensure the apartment is completely empty. This means emptying cupboards, closets, and storage spaces. You are not doing anyone a favour by leaving a bag of flour in the kitchen cupboard and a pair of shoes in the front hall closet. This just makes a fuss for the landlord as they will need to get rid of the remaining garbage that you left prior to someone else moving in. Take out the trash, recycling, and green bin if you have one. Do not leave the apartment with bags of garbage in it.


Remember to return the keys to your landlord and schedule a walk through with your landlord to ensure you will not be charged any extra costs after moving out. This way you can make sure your get your deposit check back.  

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