
Steamatic’s Fire Safety Tips for This Summer

We all know the danger and the devastation a house fire can cause. Not only can a person's home and possessions be ravaged, but lives can be lost. Fire is one of the highest ranking dangers of the home and can leave a family in a very tragic situation.

Even after the initial troubles, more can appear in things like structural damage and water damage from rescue efforts. In a matter of moments a person can lose everything. Naturally, this is not something we at Steamatic would want anyone to have to be faced with.

So, we have come up with a list of tips you can use in order to protect your home, pets, and family from the devastating effects of a fire.

We all know the golden rules of “stop, drop, and roll”, and making sure our smoke detectors are working, as well as practicing an escape route, but generally, we hear things about what to do in the instance of a fire, instead we can use some of these tips to prevent a fire completely.

  • Getting rid of junk like old newspapers and magazines can help prevent the spread of a fire once it is started as well as before it is started. Less clutter, less possibility.
  • Cleaning dust and debris off of things like coils underneath large appliances can decrease the risk of an ignition in hard to reach areas. Cleaning filters from ovens and laundry machines can also decrease this risk.
  • Double check appliances in your home every so often to make sure they are all working correctly and there are no immediate concerns about their condition. Be sure to discard or have repaired any appliances with damaged chords or plugs.
  • On nights out this summer remember to always unplug things like hair irons and double check that you have done so. Although some have an automatic shut off, you never know when that will stop working, it is always better to be safe than sorry.
  • Be sure to keep all flammable items contained and stored properly, any types of paint, gases, and other common chemicals can be quick to spark so it is best to keep them away from a place one may smoke, and far enough away from other items as well to decrease the risk of fire spreading
  • Keep all lighters and matches away from young children and always be sure a match is completely out before discarding

A big issue with fire safety in the summer seasons is the barbecue. We all know someone who loves to grill or host a good BBQ every now and then, or if that is you, it is important to know the means of keeping fire out of your grill. Always position the grill in a way that it is far from anything that can catch if flames rise. Make sure to clean the grill from time to time to avoid a grease fire. Be diligent in checking gas lines from your tank to your grill and be sure the gas is turned off when finished grilling. Keep a hose or bucket of water near by in case flames grow out of control. Never leave your grill unattended for longer than two minutes and remember to empty the grease trap every now and again.

Summer is a season of fun and enjoyment, and coincidentally, fire. During the summer all enjoy camp fires and family barbecues, and going out for a night on the town with our hair done, but the summer is hot enough without any added flame from a devastating fire. Be safe this summer!

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Many thanks for your service and professionalism. I was very pleased with the quality of work performed. Best Regards.

Mr Currie - Steamatic Outaouais