
Steamatic Fire Safety: Stop Kitchen Fires From Turning Into House Fires

 If you are delving into the culinary world for the first time, or would just like to equip yourself with some important fire safety tips to help handle grease and oil fires in the future, then you have come to the right place. Read on to learn how to stop minor kitchen fires from turning into major house fires.  


How to handle grease, oil, and fat fires:

  • Never throw water on a grease fire. This not only fails to extinguish the flames, but will cause the flaming oil to splash and spread. Instead, smother the flame by using the pan lid to deny it oxygen. Make sure to have your oven mitt on when smothering the flame in this way since the handle will heat up. Do not remove the lid until the pan is cool to the touch.
  • Turn off your overhead fan immediately, since circulating oxygen will feed the flame.
  • Baking soda or flour can be thrown onto shallow grease fires to extinguish them in a snap

Though it can be a scary and high-stakes situation when a grease fire ignites in the kitchen, extinguishing it is actually quite simple so long as the proper steps are taken. If your close brush with a house fire has left you with blackened walls or a residual smoke smell, you can contact Steamatic to have the damages undone with our smoke and fire damage restoration service.


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Judy and I were very impressed by Donna and Dave and the other staff at Steamatic and with the subcontractors they arranged to do the work. Everything was done professionally to quality standards and with minimum disruption. The repairs are now all complete. Overall, Judy and I appreciate the prompt and trouble-free way in which the claim has been handled and are very satisfied with the resulting repairs. Thank you for your consideration in helping us get through a stressful situation. Best Regards,

Peter - Steamatic Avalon