
Save Your Smartphone from Water Damage with Steamatic

With over 40 years spent solving water damage issues for Canadian homeowners, Steamatic should be your first choice for water damage remediation, but when it comes to saving your Smartphone, you have all the tools you need on hand. Let Steamatic handle the heavy-duty work while you focus on drying out your phone. Read on for some simple instructions on how to dry your phone out safely!

  • Power down! If your phone is still running when you pull it from its watery resting place, turn it off immediately to prevent any short-circuiting that could damage your files. 
  • Throw open the flood gates. Strip your Smartphone of everything that can be easily removed. This includes casing, SIM card trays, and accessories. This simple step creates space for your Smartphone to empty out, opening the flood gates for water to escape instead of being trapped inside.
  • Help any excess water escape. Shake your phone, flip it upside down, blow in it – do whatever is necessary to drive excess water out. 
  • Hold the rice. Many people will advise you to bury your phone in a bag of uncooked rice because it will absorb any excess moisture. You should take this advice with a grain of salt (or rice?).

    Many manufacturers and Smartphone repair shops recommend rice-immersion only as a way of discouraging the user’s impulse to plug in their phone and thus risk short-circuiting. If you can resist the urge to plug it in, a simple air-dry will do the trick. Ideally, leave your phone in a warm room where there is some sunlight and plenty of air circulating. 

See how Steamatic Canada is changing lives

Judy and I were very impressed by Donna and Dave and the other staff at Steamatic and with the subcontractors they arranged to do the work. Everything was done professionally to quality standards and with minimum disruption. The repairs are now all complete. Overall, Judy and I appreciate the prompt and trouble-free way in which the claim has been handled and are very satisfied with the resulting repairs. Thank you for your consideration in helping us get through a stressful situation. Best Regards,

Peter - Steamatic Avalon