
Cleaning Tips for Dog Owners

Pet hair seems to make it’s way onto everything. Pet hair can cover your carpets, rugs, pillows, clothes, mats, couch, and more! It’s basically impossible to keep up with your shedding pet. A solution for this? Although pricey, many pet owners have invested in a robotic vacuum. You are able to schedule this nifty cleaner to have the floors clean before you get home from work. Just hope Fido doesn’t choose this robot to be his newest chew toy.

An affordable option for pet hair removal is lint rollers. You can use these on your clothes, furniture, pillows, and more. They also come in different sized depending on what you’ll be using it for.

If you are a puppy owner and in the midst of training, accidents are bound to happen. If your pet has an accident clean it right away. Blot dry the stain and apply a cleaning solution (water, vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap will do the trick). Continue to dab to bring the stain out and let it dry.

Finally, as your pets like you to know where they’ve been, paw prints can be a problem. If you have a fenced in backyard that your dog run freely in try to have a door mat on the inside. If you can teach your dog to wipe their paws that’s impressive, but just having it there will help remove dirt and water prior to them running and jumping onto your white couch. 

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