
Guidelines to Guard Against Graffiti


Guidelines to Guard Against Graffiti

Apply an anti-graffiti coating

Graffiti costs government infrastructures millions of dollars each year, and paint manufacturers responded with the creation of graffiti-repellant coatings. These anti-graffiti substances prevent graffiti paint from bonding to building surfaces. Anti-graffiti coatings are available in standard colours, and can be used as substitutes for conventional paints. They also come in a clear coat that can be applied over finished walls.


Choose dark paint when possible

Darker coats are more difficult to tag effectively. Darker buildings require more time and paint to mark up effectively, making them much more of a risk to graffiti vandals. If you are unsure of how dark to go, try to choose a colour that covers in a single coat.


Plant smalls trees or shrubs

Nobody ever said added greenery was a bad thing, especially in a city’s concrete business quarter. As well as being a pleasant sight and air-cleaning feature, planting trees or shrubs in front of your business walls will make them much less accessible to taggers.


Install efficient lighting

Mounting outdoor lights will add an underrated level of security to your business by increasing the amount of exposure the vandal risks while tagging your property.

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