Eliminating Bacteria From Workspace Furniture
With every organization, image is key. Aside from positive branding, promotion, and reviews, a business needs to physically look good. This means compelling signage, presentable staff, and clean furniture.
Though the cleanliness of your furniture may seem unimportant in the jumble of stress, malfunctions, and obligations that owning a business entails, it is not! Clean furniture helps your image, which helps your business. After all, your furniture is partly responsible for the first impression you give to your visitors.
When they first step into your office, they will instinctively take in their surroundings. Important clients and prospective employees will see your front desk immediately upon arriving, and will probably be passing or using furniture at some point during their visit.
Having a dingy office that needs a deep cleaning job will not give visitors the warm welcome they are looking for. Though they may not be the deciding factor in closing a sale, visible stains or mold spores will certainly not help your business.
The cleanliness of your workspace furniture is also important for your employees. The level of comfort that your workspace offers is based in part on how clean and maintained it is. Typically, mold and bacteria hide in your furniture at work which is why it is especially important to maintain or clean them regularly. Allowing mold to grow unchecked can contribute to Sick Building Syndrome and other respiratory issues, lowering productivity and putting your staff at risk.
Though less dramatic, stains are a problem too. People are just generally less comfortable about sitting in chairs that are dirty or stained; worrying about stains and ruined clothing can be distracting.
What can I do?
Stain removal gets a little more complicated, but there are some good general cleaning habits you can adopt to improve both your image in the eyes of employees and clients.
Vacuuming the cushions in the office every once in a while is a performance booster for workers as the workspace becomes bacteria free. This will help remove pet hairs, dander, crumbs, dust, and food residue. It can also eliminate contaminants such as; pollen, allergens, odors, and unpleasant allergens that tend to work their way deeper into your furniture.
Stain removal is possible on your own, but prescribing one single method is difficult due to the variety of furniture materials and cleaning tools out there. What works for your office chairs may be harmful to your wooden desk. Amateur cleaning efforts can be effective, but must be done at your own risk.
Fortunately, Steamatic can help. We offer a full suite of cleaning services that can accommodate any of your cleaning needs. Our diverse cleaning tools and deep industry experience allow us to handle vintage wooden furniture, lush carpeting, and office couches with confidence.
2 methods for effective furniture cleaning
Method 1
The first method of furniture cleaning is to use extremely hot water and an emulsifying agent to break down dirt and bacteria ensuring a deep, quality clean. With this method hot water is sprayed deep into the fibers of your furniture and is immediately sucked back out by a vacuum, removing all the contaminants deep down inside.
Method 2
The Lambrite dry cleaning technique is a professional method of HVAC cleaning that can be used on a wide variety of fabric types and is particularly appropriate for more delicate, stained, soiled or fragile materials. This technique is also a master at removing odors from furniture as well.
The Lambrite option uses very similar techniques to those used in processes for dry cleaning clothing and will ensure that your furniture dries quickly without wrinkling. This leaves a clean look and smell which improves the overall impression of your work space and efficiency of workers in that space as well.
How it works
When you clean your furniture it helps to control the flow of moisture and keep it from penetrating into the body of the furniture. Cleaning the furniture in your office space will not only make it look and smell cleaner it also improves the air quality within the workspace as well.
Steamatic furniture cleaning techniques will leave your business looking and smelling fresh and appealing to consumers. Both processes take only minutes to dry so you aren’t displaced or inconvenienced at home or in your business for long.