Clean up After the Cold!
While you are sick your bedroom is most likely going to be where you are quarantined. During this time you should keep a garbage beside the bed rather than throwing kleenex on your night stand or floor.
When you’re on the verge of health get rid of all the garbage you’ve accumulated. Throw out used kleenex, popsicle wrappers, halls wrappers, and take the spoons you’ve been collecting for cough syrup to the dishwasher.
The next task you need to tackle is washing all of the bedding. This means everything. Pillow cases, sheets, your comforter, and throw blankets. If you were cuddling up on the couch with a cozy blanket it also needs to be thrown in the wash! Side note: If you are cleaning up after your child who’s been ill their stuffed animals should be washed as well!
Once your bedding is clean it’s time to surface clean. Use lysol disinfecting wipes to clean door knobs, light switches, taps, counters, and your night stand. Other surfaces you should consider giving a quick clean are your steering wheel and door handles in the car.
Sick clothes need to be washed. Whatever pair of sweat pants and comfy t-shirt you were in for two days straight needs to be washed! This includes socks, hats, and slippers if they are machine washable.
Other things you may not think to clean are hand towels from your bathrooms and bath robes. Wash these on the hottest cycle to kill bacteria and germs. The bathroom will definitely need disinfecting. Clean the counters with disinfecting wipes to kill remaining germs and bacteria. Give the faucets in the shower a quick wipe and enjoy your clean bathroom.