Step 1 – Shake out the excess dust:
A light diffuser panel is fabricated from simple nylon, which makes it a perfect trap for dust and debris. A simple shake will knock off a large portion of this dust and make your life much easier.
Step 2 – Blow out stubborn particles:
For this step, you will need a small fan with a low-power setting. Simply turn your fan on and hold the nylon panel near it. The fan will push air through the mesh panel and clear much of the debris away. You can power your fan up in increments if you are dealing with stubborn dust particles, but always start small and work your way up.
Step 3 – Apply mild cleaning solutions:
Often warm water will suffice, but if not, seek out a very mild cleaning solution to use. Once you have mixed your solution or prepared your warm water bath, submerge the panel and allow it to soak for a few minutes. Do not scrub the panel, as you will end up damaging the fragile nylon. After a few minutes have elapsed, remove the panel and allow it to air-dry. At this point, you are all done – put your panel back in place, and let there be light!
Step 1 – Shake out the excess dust:
A light diffuser panel is fabricated from simple nylon, which makes it a perfect trap for dust and debris. A simple shake will knock off a large portion of this dust and make your life much easier.
Step 2 – Blow out stubborn particles:
For this step, you will need a small fan with a low-power setting. Simply turn your fan on and hold the nylon panel near it. The fan will push air through the mesh panel and clear much of the debris away. You can power your fan up in increments if you are dealing with stubborn dust particles, but always start small and work your way up.
Step 3 – Apply mild cleaning solutions:
Often warm water will suffice, but if not, seek out a very mild cleaning solution to use. Once you have mixed your solution or prepared your warm water bath, submerge the panel and allow it to soak for a few minutes. Do not scrub the panel, as you will end up damaging the fragile nylon. After a few minutes have elapsed, remove the panel and allow it to air-dry. At this point, you are all done – put your panel back in place, and let there be light!
Poor lighting can seriously handicap employee productivity, being the leading cause of “Sick Building Syndrome” (SBS) and a major contributor to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), two white-collar ailments that lead to lethargy, irritability, and depression. In order to ensure that the workplace is not plagued by these problems, it is important that business owners invest in regular and professional-grade light and diffuser cleaning. If you are still not convinced, read on to learn about the four bottomline benefits of efficient office lighting:
Poor lighting can seriously handicap employee productivity, being the leading cause of “Sick Building Syndrome” (SBS) and a major contributor to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), two white-collar ailments that lead to lethargy, irritability, and depression. In order to ensure that the workplace is not plagued by these problems, it is important that business owners invest in regular and professional-grade light and diffuser cleaning. If you are still not convinced, read on to learn about the four bottomline benefits of efficient office lighting:
1. Appearance – Keeping up the appearance of the home and office is the main motivation for people seeking professional cleanings. Investing your time or money in regular cleanings will stop dirt and grime from accumulating, keeping your furniture looking better and improving its lifespan. This can be important to those who frequently entertain socially, and is critical at the office to maintain a look of professionalism at all times.
2. Family or employee health – Mold, fleas, bacteria, and allergens make themselves at home in the fibers of your upholstery, and are largely unaffected by vacuuming. These pathogens can accumulate to dangerous levels where they can pose health risks to family, friends, and employees, and also emit unpleasant odours.
3. Air quality – Bad air quality can cause a variety of respiratory problems, and bacteria-laden upholstery is a serious contributor to subpar air quality. Consider that each time a family member or employee plops into their chairs, gusts of low-quality air are being expelled from the upholstery.
Suggestions for upholstery cleaning
A variety of professional furniture and drapery cleaning services are available. Steamatic agents combine hot water and emulsifying agents to eliminate bacteria, or alternately can employ a Lambrite dry-cleaning technique to drapes.
1. Appearance – Keeping up the appearance of the home and office is the main motivation for people seeking professional cleanings. Investing your time or money in regular cleanings will stop dirt and grime from accumulating, keeping your furniture looking better and improving its lifespan. This can be important to those who frequently entertain socially, and is critical at the office to maintain a look of professionalism at all times.
2. Family or employee health – Mold, fleas, bacteria, and allergens make themselves at home in the fibers of your upholstery, and are largely unaffected by vacuuming. These pathogens can accumulate to dangerous levels where they can pose health risks to family, friends, and employees, and also emit unpleasant odours.
3. Air quality – Bad air quality can cause a variety of respiratory problems, and bacteria-laden upholstery is a serious contributor to subpar air quality. Consider that each time a family member or employee plops into their chairs, gusts of low-quality air are being expelled from the upholstery.
Suggestions for upholstery cleaning
A variety of professional furniture and drapery cleaning services are available. Steamatic agents combine hot water and emulsifying agents to eliminate bacteria, or alternately can employ a Lambrite dry-cleaning technique to drapes.
Calling for reinforcement
If your home endures an earthquake or hurricane, structural damage is likely to occur. You can minimize any structural damages by reinforcing the foundation, as well as the floors, walls, and roof. By reinforcing your home, you improve its capacity to withstand the intense lateral and vertical forces generate by hurricane gales and earthquakes. This project can be pursued independently, or be handed over to professional structural engineers and contractors.
Evaluate your soil
It may surprise some to learn that the conditions of your soil can drastically affect your home or office building’s resilience to natural disaster. The worst types of soil are compromised of deep, loose sand, clays, and saturated granular soil. These types of loose and water-saturated soils amplify earthquake forces, which can essentially liquify the earth to create a quick-sand effect that can ruin your home’s foundation.
The best type of soil is stiff and densely-packed, with unbroken bedrock being ideal. These types of soil allow for very little vibration, meaning that the earthquake’s force does not transfer into your home.
Minimize on-site hazards
A number of common city features become serious hazards in the event of a natural disaster. Old leaning trees, electrical wires, and power lines are all cause for concern during earthquakes or hurricane gales. Water features, such as faults, dykes, and water towers, all have the potential to harm your home as well. If you live in a disaster-prone area and are surrounded by these hazardous features, you may want to consider relocating.
Calling for reinforcement
If your home endures an earthquake or hurricane, structural damage is likely to occur. You can minimize any structural damages by reinforcing the foundation, as well as the floors, walls, and roof. By reinforcing your home, you improve its capacity to withstand the intense lateral and vertical forces generate by hurricane gales and earthquakes. This project can be pursued independently, or be handed over to professional structural engineers and contractors.
Evaluate your soil
It may surprise some to learn that the conditions of your soil can drastically affect your home or office building’s resilience to natural disaster. The worst types of soil are compromised of deep, loose sand, clays, and saturated granular soil. These types of loose and water-saturated soils amplify earthquake forces, which can essentially liquify the earth to create a quick-sand effect that can ruin your home’s foundation.
The best type of soil is stiff and densely-packed, with unbroken bedrock being ideal. These types of soil allow for very little vibration, meaning that the earthquake’s force does not transfer into your home.
Minimize on-site hazards
A number of common city features become serious hazards in the event of a natural disaster. Old leaning trees, electrical wires, and power lines are all cause for concern during earthquakes or hurricane gales. Water features, such as faults, dykes, and water towers, all have the potential to harm your home as well. If you live in a disaster-prone area and are surrounded by these hazardous features, you may want to consider relocating.
1. Fire extinguishers should be on stand-by
Fire extinguishers are the most fundamental, and effective, defense against house fires. It is best to keep one in every room in the house so that reaction time can be minimized, and the chance of fire spreading eliminated as quickly as possible. If you cannot afford to place one in every room, then at least ensure there is one on every level of the home, and try to focus on accident-prone areas such as kitchens, living rooms with fireplaces, and garages. Make sure that you check the expiry dates, replace them when necessary, and give each member of the house a quick tutorial on their use.
2. Keep your smoke alarms service-ready
All contemporary homes come with smoke-alarms installed, but many homeowners neglect their maintenance. Check your alarms every 4 months, ensuring that the batteries are still holding their charge, and that the sensors are responsive.
3. Install fire-resistant carpeting
This type of special carpeting is available in desirable colours and patterns, leaving homeowners no excuse to avoid using them. Conventional carpets made of wool and synthetic materials ignite easily, and their extensive room coverage acts as the perfect conduit to spread the flame through your home.
4. Empty out your lint traps regularly
Make sure that you clean out your lint trap with each use. This simple 5-second task is often overlooked. Many house fires start because excessive lint is set alight by overheating dryers.
5. Remember that hoarding is a hazard
Most homes tend to accumulate junk as the years go by. Bins filled with old toys, report cards, outdated clothes, and receipts are often tucked into the corners of basements, garages, or jammed into closets. These are all highly flammable, and will act as the perfect kindling for a wayward spark or up-ended candle. Make it a habit to purge a bit of junk each time your neighbourhood garbage collection comes for pick-ups.
1. Fire extinguishers should be on stand-by
Fire extinguishers are the most fundamental, and effective, defense against house fires. It is best to keep one in every room in the house so that reaction time can be minimized, and the chance of fire spreading eliminated as quickly as possible. If you cannot afford to place one in every room, then at least ensure there is one on every level of the home, and try to focus on accident-prone areas such as kitchens, living rooms with fireplaces, and garages. Make sure that you check the expiry dates, replace them when necessary, and give each member of the house a quick tutorial on their use.
2. Keep your smoke alarms service-ready
All contemporary homes come with smoke-alarms installed, but many homeowners neglect their maintenance. Check your alarms every 4 months, ensuring that the batteries are still holding their charge, and that the sensors are responsive.
3. Install fire-resistant carpeting
This type of special carpeting is available in desirable colours and patterns, leaving homeowners no excuse to avoid using them. Conventional carpets made of wool and synthetic materials ignite easily, and their extensive room coverage acts as the perfect conduit to spread the flame through your home.
4. Empty out your lint traps regularly
Make sure that you clean out your lint trap with each use. This simple 5-second task is often overlooked. Many house fires start because excessive lint is set alight by overheating dryers.
5. Remember that hoarding is a hazard
Most homes tend to accumulate junk as the years go by. Bins filled with old toys, report cards, outdated clothes, and receipts are often tucked into the corners of basements, garages, or jammed into closets. These are all highly flammable, and will act as the perfect kindling for a wayward spark or up-ended candle. Make it a habit to purge a bit of junk each time your neighbourhood garbage collection comes for pick-ups.