Even though garages were generally meant to store your vehicle, they have become the home for many, many other objects. Just like any other storage space accumulates random items, so does the garage.
The ideal garage has items organized in shelves, cabinets and is uncluttered, leaving room to actually move around the garage without having to squeeze through, or hop over anything. Here are some tips on how to keep your garage tidy.
1) Remove everything.
Yes, it may seem extreme, but removing everything from the garage and placing it on the driveway allows you to see what you’ve actually collected in there. By removing a few things at a time, you can separate items into piles to get a step ahead when placing items back into the garage. You can also see what doesn’t belong, and what can be thrown out or maybe even donated.
After the garage is empty, and you have your semi-organized piles, go through each pile again and decide –
Do I need to keep this? Some items like snow blowers are very much needed.
Can I make use of this anymore? Maybe you have something that works, but you have no need for, or don’t want anymore.
This is garbage. Items that are broken or just useless, can go into garbage boxes or the dumpster.
2) Organize everything.
Use containers, clear ones – and label them. Store similar items together, and pack them neatly. Containers stack nicely, and with your labels on the front, you can easily know whats in each box. You can use shelving to stack your containers, it keeps them off the floor, and looks neat.
Cabinets are great, especially when they are on wheels and can be moved with ease. Put items that are used more often in the cabinets as they are easily accessible – car detailing products, cleaning supplies etc.
A work bench might be useful for you, and can you can have small bins to hold tools, nuts, bolts and other types of hardware. Look for one that is durable with drawers.
Some people wish that the holidays would never end, while others cant wait to pack it all up and start again next year. Although you may not be ready to put the decorations away, they will need to come down, so here are some tips on how to organize them and make it easier to take them out for the next holiday season.
If you usually just toss all the decorations in a haphazard way, you should invest in some plastic storage containers. Clear ones are the best option as you can see whats inside without having to open and close every box, and they come in a myriad of sizes. There are containers specifically for ornaments to keep them from getting damaged. Label your containers so it is easy to locate the right box
Depending what you are putting inside the box, padding the bottom, top or sides may be a good idea, especially if you have very delicate ornaments you don’t want to even risk getting damaged.
For Christmas lights, wrap them around a piece of cardboard, instead of their own wires. You can also use empty spools if you can get a hold of them from your local home improvement store.
For wreaths and garlands, you want to avoid packing them tightly. Pack them loosely around a piece of cardboard. If you have lots of garland, utilize the plastic storage containers. Smaller wreaths can be packed away in shoe boxes, while larger ones should go in the container with the garland – place the heaviest decorations on the bottom.
For storing your wrapping paper, get one box that fits the large sized rolls. Also put any ribbons, bows, tape and gift bags in this box as well, that way it is convenient for you to find when the time to wrap presents comes along.
Cleaning & Decorating the Porch
Spruce Up the Inside
Make sure that you clean the home thoroughly before decorating, this includes every room in the home; don’t forget to wipe all windows, window sills, and curtains as well as ceilings and light fixtures.
Cleaning their rooms.
Having your room in order is a good way to head into the holiday season. If you are having friends and family over for the holidays overhauling the kids bedroom is good idea to make sure there are no unwanted surprises that make their way out from under the bed. Clean out the closets, under the bed and organize clutter. After Christmas its a safe assumptions that there will be lots of new things they need to make space for in their bedrooms so, there must be room for it. Encourage your children to go through their old toys to see which they can donate to other kids in need.
Food Donations.
During the holiday season food banks often need additional items to help families in need. Have your kids go through your kitchen pantry to find non-perishable food items to donate to a local food bank. Your kids will learn generosity, and your cupboards will be less cluttered.
Making Holiday Cards and Decorations.
Children love arts and crafts time. Grab supplies such as construction paper, glitter pens and festive stickers and encourage your kids to make cards for their friends and families. If you are mailing cards out, kids can help affix stamps to letters. With those same gel pens, plain ornaments can be personalized by your children. Handmade decorations hanging from your Christmas tree at a fractions of the price to buy new ones from the store.
Apply an anti-graffiti coating
Graffiti costs government infrastructures millions of dollars each year, and paint manufacturers responded with the creation of graffiti-repellant coatings. These anti-graffiti substances prevent graffiti paint from bonding to building surfaces. Anti-graffiti coatings are available in standard colours, and can be used as substitutes for conventional paints. They also come in a clear coat that can be applied over finished walls.
Choose dark paint when possible
Darker coats are more difficult to tag effectively. Darker buildings require more time and paint to mark up effectively, making them much more of a risk to graffiti vandals. If you are unsure of how dark to go, try to choose a colour that covers in a single coat.
Plant smalls trees or shrubs
Nobody ever said added greenery was a bad thing, especially in a city’s concrete business quarter. As well as being a pleasant sight and air-cleaning feature, planting trees or shrubs in front of your business walls will make them much less accessible to taggers.
Install efficient lighting
Mounting outdoor lights will add an underrated level of security to your business by increasing the amount of exposure the vandal risks while tagging your property.
Guidelines to Guard Against GraffitiApply an anti-graffiti coating
Graffiti costs government infrastructures millions of dollars each year, and paint manufacturers responded with the creation of graffiti-repellant coatings. These anti-graffiti substances prevent graffiti paint from bonding to building surfaces. Anti-graffiti coatings are available in standard colours, and can be used as substitutes for conventional paints. They also come in a clear coat that can be applied over finished walls.
Choose dark paint when possible
Darker coats are more difficult to tag effectively. Darker buildings require more time and paint to mark up effectively, making them much more of a risk to graffiti vandals. If you are unsure of how dark to go, try to choose a colour that covers in a single coat.
Plant smalls trees or shrubs
Nobody ever said added greenery was a bad thing, especially in a city’s concrete business quarter. As well as being a pleasant sight and air-cleaning feature, planting trees or shrubs in front of your business walls will make them much less accessible to taggers.
Install efficient lighting
Mounting outdoor lights will add an underrated level of security to your business by increasing the amount of exposure the vandal risks while tagging your property.
Choosing a safe shelter:
If your shelter is to provide protection, it must have a mechanism in place to safely conduct the electrical current to the ground from the point of contact. These mechanisms can be inside or outside of your shelter. Lightning can follow metal gutters and downspouts to the ground, or travel within your home through electrical wiring, plumbing, and telephone lines on its way to the ground.
Small shelters such as wooden, vinyl, or metal sheds offer no protection from lightning, nor does any building lacking plumbing, wiring, or dedicated lightning-grounding mechanisms.
Staying safe indoors:
It is imperative that you refrain from making contact with potential grounding pathways during lightning storms. Lightning can damage your home by igniting construction materials, while electronic appliances can also be damaged by surges, but the following guidelines should keep you safe regardless:
Following these tips should keep you safe during the most savage of lightning storms, but damages to your home can still occur. If your home should receive any damage as a result of lightning strikes, you should contact professionals specializing in demolition and renovation in response to these events.
Choosing a safe shelter:
If your shelter is to provide protection, it must have a mechanism in place to safely conduct the electrical current to the ground from the point of contact. These mechanisms can be inside or outside of your shelter. Lightning can follow metal gutters and downspouts to the ground, or travel within your home through electrical wiring, plumbing, and telephone lines on its way to the ground.
Small shelters such as wooden, vinyl, or metal sheds offer no protection from lightning, nor does any building lacking plumbing, wiring, or dedicated lightning-grounding mechanisms.
Staying safe indoors:
It is imperative that you refrain from making contact with potential grounding pathways during lightning storms. Lightning can damage your home by igniting construction materials, while electronic appliances can also be damaged by surges, but the following guidelines should keep you safe regardless:
Following these tips should keep you safe during the most savage of lightning storms, but damages to your home can still occur. If your home should receive any damage as a result of lightning strikes, you should contact professionals specializing in demolition and renovation in response to these events.
Dry ice gives cleaning gives professionals:
How does it work?
Dry ice blasting relies upon the four physical properties of air-propelled dry ice pellets, remembered easily with the acronym V.A.T.E:
Why it makes sense:
Dry ice blasting is the best mold removal solution. Sanding mold off disperses spores back into the air, and does not sanitize the area without the application of biocide chemicals, adding time, cost, and environmental repercussions to a job that dry ice blasting could take care of. Dry ice blasting is faster than other known methods, and also much safer, being safe to blast around wiring, plumbing, and pipe fixtures.
For more information on dry ice cleaning methods, click here.
Dry ice gives cleaning gives professionals:
How does it work?
Dry ice blasting relies upon the four physical properties of air-propelled dry ice pellets, remembered easily with the acronym V.A.T.E:
Why it makes sense:
Dry ice blasting is the best mold removal solution. Sanding mold off disperses spores back into the air, and does not sanitize the area without the application of biocide chemicals, adding time, cost, and environmental repercussions to a job that dry ice blasting could take care of. Dry ice blasting is faster than other known methods, and also much safer, being safe to blast around wiring, plumbing, and pipe fixtures.
For more information on dry ice cleaning methods, click here.