Mould Removal Services


Steamatic’s mould removal services can effectively find, treat, and remove all traces of mould as well as the spores that cause it to spread. These services will leave your property looking and smelling fresh, clean and mould and mildew free. Mould can sometimes be hard to detect as our noses quickly become desensitized to the odour and we easily grow used to the damp and musty smell.

Mould can grow without you knowing it

Mould that grows on your walls, floors, in corners, on ceilings or in other locations looks very unsightly and can provide a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and other unwanted organisms.

Health problems are being associated with the existence of mould in the home

Recent evidence appears to back up the theory that mould and mildew within the home or office can negatively affect our health by provoking cold and flu-like symptoms and may even be the cause of other types of allergies and respiratory complaints.

Anyone with any sort of breathing ailment such as asthma, bronchitis, wheezing or other conditions, as well as the very young and elderly, tend to be most at risk. Symptoms such as sneezing, runny noses, sore throats, difficulties breathing and even rashes may be indicative that you have a mould problem in your home or business premises. If these reactions are caused by mould, the symptoms will not go away until you treat and eliminate the underlying condition.

If you do notice mould or mildew growing anywhere in your house, try not to touch or disturb it. You may unwittingly cause the spores to spread to uncontaminated surfaces, causing your mould problem to get worse. The sooner you call in our expert mould removal technicians at Steamatic, the sooner we can start to contain and remove the problem. There is no need to panic or evacuate your premises but mould really is an issue where it is better to take remedial action sooner, rather than later.

The most common causes for the appearance of mould are damp areas and flooding.

When fungi finds an organic food source and water it rapidly grows and spreads and may even continue to proliferate behind ceiling panels, dry walls and in other unseen areas. Fungi gives off numerous very light, very vigorous spores which will quickly create new contaminated areas where the conditions are right for growth.

Found Mould in your Home?

Common areas where mould frequently grows include:

  • bathrooms
  • kitchens
  • laundry area
  • window sills
  • fabrics
  • carpets /rugs
  • Walls/drywalls

Steamatic technicians are experts in detecting and eliminating the source of the problem, making sure that damp areas are treated and dried out so that mould cannot re-appear. We will first isolate and eliminate the worst areas of mould and then will carefully and rigorously inspect all potential surfaces to be sure that mould spores have not already colonized other areas.

Steamatic mold removal and remediation services include:
  • Completing a full inspection of your home
  • Identifying  and assessing the level of damage
  • Proposing the required solutions
  • Providing the necessary services

Our mould removal services are always adapted to support your particular set of circumstances and the extent of your problem. If you think your home or business may be infected, or for a quote and more information, please call Steamatic today.

See how Steamatic Canada is changing lives

Judy and I were very impressed by Donna and Dave and the other staff at Steamatic and with the subcontractors they arranged to do the work. Everything was done professionally to quality standards and with minimum disruption. The repairs are now all complete. Overall, Judy and I appreciate the prompt and trouble-free way in which the claim has been handled and are very satisfied with the resulting repairs. Thank you for your consideration in helping us get through a stressful situation. Best Regards,

Peter - Steamatic Avalon