
HVAC Cleaning

HVAC units are spots that tend to collect lots of pollutants, debris, and dust unless they’re correctly cleaned and properly maintained. When pollutants, debris, and dust build up in air ducts and vents, your HVAC system will be sending them back out into the air that you breathe, creating the high possibility of these areas becoming breeding grounds for other viruses, bacteria, and allergens. Not only can this impact your health in a negative way, but it’ll also cause your HVAC to be less effective and more expensive to operate.

At Steamatic, we have the expertise and equipment required to eliminate all concerns regarding your HVAC. Steamatic’s techniques for cleaning HVAC systems assist in the removal of both dust and debris as well as removing up to 82% of mould, mildew, and other bacteria, which in turn, works to prevent further growth in the future.

Steamatic offers an effective and dependable three-step plan that works to loosen and kill all bacteria, viruses, mould spores, and finally removes them from your HVAC system. For example, our HVAC coil cleaning method works to remove bacteria that collects around the heating and cooling coils located inside your system; this is an area that is a potential threat and is often overlooked by other HVAC cleaning companies.

The debris, mould, and mildew that can accumulate in your HVAC ducts and vents reduce the effectiveness of your entire system as well, which means you’ll burn a larger quantity of fossil fuels, which elevates your heating and cooling bills throughout the year. Steamatic’s HVAC cleaning and maintenance method functions to make certain that you’re using the lowest levels of energy to heat and cool your property, keeping your utility bills down and reducing your carbon footprint.

Contact Steamatic today to find out what services are best suited to your needs; you can rest assured that we will never preform an HVAC cleaning process before checking your system first to determine whether  or not you need our services.


See how Steamatic Canada is changing lives

Judy and I were very impressed by Donna and Dave and the other staff at Steamatic and with the subcontractors they arranged to do the work. Everything was done professionally to quality standards and with minimum disruption. The repairs are now all complete. Overall, Judy and I appreciate the prompt and trouble-free way in which the claim has been handled and are very satisfied with the resulting repairs. Thank you for your consideration in helping us get through a stressful situation. Best Regards,

Peter - Steamatic Avalon